
Chai Talk - The Movie

Friday, September 8

I've been hitting my To Do List with a vengeance today and this is the result. First of all I wrote the list which was a good start I think. Some may say this is procrastination but making playlists and uploading movie clips for Chai Talk are an important part of my To Do List. Right below Find a Job but that seemed a bit ambitious to tackle today. So for the first time ever, Chai Talk on the Big Screen.

Chai Talk: Discovering A True Chai Stand Master

Kent Babin Teaches Chai 101

Chai Talk: Interview with A Chai Stand Master
Kent Babin Talks India While the Chai Boils
nicholas, 4:21 PM


Yes! Now I have the secret to making good chai at my fingertips! Kent, you should really have your own cooking show, and Nicholas - you definitely should be a professional food rater.

Thanks guys!
Blogger Lightfooted, at 11:14 PM  
This is fantastic. I just need to get some ginger tomorrow and I'm going to try making some chai again.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:00 PM  

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