
Around Canada in 40 days (lots of it anyway)

Tuesday, January 22

About a month ago, I was asked if I wanted to join the training team for the project I've been working on. I thought, hey, that sounds like a nice relaxing way to wrap up what has been a pretty intense project for the last 6 months. So two weeks ago I had my first glimpse at the schedule and realized what I thought would be a little rest and relaxation was actually a marathon of around 20 flights in 40 days to all the hot spots in Western Canada from Calgary to Vancouver to Victoria to Regina and Brandon Manitoba. I've decided to keep you up to date best I can and to let you know what is going on across our country.

The first part of my trip was a couple of weeks ago when I headed off to pilot our training program in Halifax, NS. I must admit that I had high hopes of getting out to see more of the town but instead of seeing the sights of Halifax, I saw the culture of the maritime. I was there for two days and upon catching a taxi to the airport I did the math and realized we had spent more time in the Triangle pub with our group than we had in the training room. I like to think this speaks to how good our training was.

Halifax is a great little city with a real old town feel. Short, colonial style buildings line downtown and the people are amazingly friendly. I had great seafood, drank more Nova Scotia beer than I knew existed and had some strange version of poutine with curry for dinner while in the background a band played Irish jigs and sailors from the Canadian Navy tried to get women to dance. The trip convinced me that I need to do a maritime road trip sometime soon

Last week I headed out to Mississauga just outside Toronto for a couple of days which was pretty much the exact opposite of Halifax. The Toronto traffic comes to a stand still pretty much as soon as you hit the highway and once you reach the tech parks in Mississauga it's one big shiny box of a building after another. On the plus side, they had their very own Tim Horton's in the building I was in.
nicholas, 12:31 PM


It's Day 22 and I'm missing you!

Hope you have a great flight to Winnipeg.

You're not missing anything in Toronto - it finally got cold. -30 with the wind chill, cold.

See you soon!
Blogger Lightfooted, at 5:52 AM  

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